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Jun 3Liked by J. Ash Odinsson

While the Viking Funeral (being set ablaze on a land-locked boat or sent adrift in the water and set on fire) is popular, we're actually forgetting that a great many more had burial mounds. While I personally would like to be cremated, I wouldn't be averse to a burial mound either at least, in this way, the idea that there is a place to visit me is valid.

Personally, I'm good with being burnt, urned and then set my ashes to the wind. I was born to roam and I really wouldn't want people feeling they have to be in a particular place to talk to me from this plane. I really want people to be able to do that right where they sit.

On the point of religious freedom in this country, that is a good point. It should be entirely possible for anyone to receive the burial or memorial they desire. Hunter S. Thompson being a notable example. I'm not even sure the man had a religion or what it was but he literally went out with a bang at his memorial service.

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