Well, I did not expect to read this today! Apparently the paper hasn’t yet been peer reviewed, but still….Harvard?! Have they provided any evidence or is this just a hypothesis?

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They have released very little of the sourcing and research they based it on…. Well none to be exact.

But they made the claim.

Now follow me here

Harvard is tied to the Freemasons, it's not a secret.

The FreeMasons, are a branch of the continued line of Modern Knights Templar.

The Freemasons are “allegedly” holding the real history until humanity can handle it..

They have been releasing Alien stuff. . Like lots of it. Mount Weather, blah blah blah ….

Now Harvard comes out and says it. They also explain the crypto historic, and modern entities were, and are, all Aliens. 🤔

I'm just saying.. it's stacking up too thick to be able to go backwards. I think they are using it to discredit the Vatican, and the Abrahamic faiths. Just my opinion.

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Interesting. Well, if you’re right, we have a very exciting time ahead!

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